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We Can Help With

Welcome to We Can Help With, the best place to search for and compare campervan hire, pet sitting, motorcycle rentals and much much more, all across the world! As you may have guessed from the name, we can help with a broad range of possible searches, and make it as easy as possible to plan holidays and activities.

To begin your search, simply choose from campervans, pet sitting or motorcycles from the menu above, or click on one of the flags below. On most pages you'll find links to all the locations that we serve for that specific topic, as well as all other available topics (and please note that we are expanding the website the whole time). Good luck!

Explore Campervan Hire In

Argentina flag


Australia flag


Belgium flag


Botswana flag


Canada flag


Chile flag


Croatia flag


Estonia flag


Finland flag


France flag


Germany flag


Hungary flag


Iceland flag


Ireland flag


Italy flag


Japan flag


Latvia flag


Malawi flag


Mozambique flag


Namibia flag


Netherlands flag


New Zealand flag

New Zealand

Norway flag


Poland flag


Portugal flag


Romania flag


Slovenia flag


South Africa flag

South Africa

Spain flag


Sudan flag


Sweden flag


Switzerland flag


Tanzania flag


United States flag

United States

Zambia flag


Zimbabwe flag


How does it work?

Our advanced comparison engine lets you compare products, for example campervan rental, pet sitting, or motorcycle rentals, so you know that you are getting the best possible price. Moreover, not only do we enable you to compare; you are also able to book instantly and securely through our online booking engine.

The benefit of searching and booking in this way is that it operates in real time, meaning that you can be certain that the vehicle, pet sit, motorcycle or other service that you searched for will be available at the time of searching. No more calling suppliers to find out that they are booked out! Furthermore, you can guarantee that you are getting the best possible price from a wide range of providers, without having to perform tedious manual checks yourself.

You are also able to see products from far more suppliers than if you were to search yourself, sometimes hundreds more in the more popular parts of the globe. Our advanced search engines also let you filter your results in unique ways – want a manual RV, or one that sleeps six people? We’ve got you sorted! Also, booking is of course considerably easier, as you do not need to call or email suppliers – We Can Help With lets you complete the search and booking process in minutes, if you wish.

We Can Help With home

Where do we operate?

We operate in a wide range of countries across the globe – to see all available counties, please visit the counties section of our site, for the product (motorcycles, pet sitting etc) that you are interested in. A few examples of just some of the places that we operate in include Iceland, Germany, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and many many more locations. To get an idea of the wide range of locations for campervan hire, check out the box below with all the countries we support.

Please note that not all products will be offered in all locations. However, we are expanding and adding many more locations to our systems as we go, so even if you can’t find what you’re after this time around, if you check back later you may be able to find it.

Who are we?

We Can Help With is a small but growing website based in the heart of sunny (well, not so sunny most of the time, if we're being honest) Bristol, in the UK. It is operated by just one dedicated individual, with grand plans to expand the website and corner more and more rental markets around the world! The overriding goal of the website is to make it fast and enjoyable to book various types of rentals anywhere in the world, and it is this philosophy that guides every decision we make.

We are constantly improving

Please note that this website is still relatively new, and as such we are adding new supplies all the time. For example, we plan to add cruise lines and car rental as soon as possible, as we feel that these are important rental markets. Therefore, if your supplier of choice is not yet available, please keep checking back frequently, as chances are they will be added to the site in short order.