Pet Sitting in Port Au Prince

Welcome to We Can Help With, the number one place for Pet Sitting Port Au Prince.

As specialists in Pet Sitting Port Au Prince it is in our interest that home and pet owners are able to trust the sitters who will be staying in their homes for any length of time. To this end, our partners have invested in a number of techniques that are all designed to verify the identity, and therefore increase trust, in the sitters. Some of these checks, which sitters are encouraged to undertake, include such things as email and telephone verification, up to identity checks and even document checking. Of course, you are also able to read reviews of sitters left by previous owners, which also helps you to know that you can trust the sitters looking for Pet Sitting Port Au Prince.

As a host it couldn't be much easier to find people looking for Pet Sitting Port Au Prince. Simply click or tap on the green 'book now' button at the top of any pet-sitting page, and you will be taken to the website of our partners. From here you can enter your location, and you will then be presented with a list of all sitters available in that area. Each potential Pet Sitting Port Au Prince applicant will have a profile picture as well as a rating with the number of reviews given to the site. Once you find someone who you think would be a good fit, you can get in touch with them at any time when you have set up your profile.

One of the features that will help you find Pet Sitting Port Au Prince is the huge range of filters available. For example, as a home owner, you can of course filter potential sitters by the dates they are available. However, there are a great deal more potential filters as well, such as by pet – certain sitters are going to be comfortable looking after particular pet species, so if you own one of the more exotic species you may want to choose only those who have experience of them. Overall, making good use of the filters will really help you to find the best person for Pet Sitting Port Au Prince, so we encourage you to explore your options!

Some useful information about Port Au Prince

Port Au Prince has a population of 1,234,742 people during the most recent measurement. The latitude of Port Au Prince is 18.54349 degrees and the longitude is -72.33881 degrees. Port Au Prince sits within the officially-designated timezone of America/Port-au-Prince.

All Search Topics for Pet Sitting in Port Au Prince

Pet Sitting in Port Au Prince

Top Ten Tips to Help With Pet Sitting in Port Au Prince

Check out our list of the top 10 things to think about when considering Pet Sitting. We will split the list into five tips for sitters, and five for hosts.

  1. As a pet sitter, being flexible is a huge bonus. It’s tempting to think that pet sitting is something that you can do forever, travelling around the world and never having to pay for accommodation, but the reality is that there is always going to be some periods of time when you will not be able to find a host in the location you are looking in, however hard you look. Therefore, being flexible and open to staying in hostels, hotels or even a home base is a huge advantage. Similarly, if you get a good gig, and you have the chance to extend, take this up – making onward plans may not always be beneficial.
  2. Having experience is incredibly helpful as a pet sitter. If you have plenty of sits already then hosts know that you are a safe pair of hands and are more likely to trust you with their pets and in their homes. What’s more, on most pet sitting platforms, the experienced sitters will sorted to the top of the search pile, thereby meaning that they are far more likely to be chosen by owners. Experienced sitters may also stand out on these platforms as well. Experience with the animals you are looking after will also benefit you as well, should something go wrong or an unexpected situation arise during the sit.
  3. Love animals. This one is pretty obvious – if you genuinely love animals and are being a pet sitter for the joy of spending time with new and interesting pets, then you’re going to get more from it (and be more successful too). Some people get into pet sitting thinking that it is simply a ticket to some free accommodation, but in our experience those who genuinely enjoy being around animals always rise to the top and get the most offers. If you are able to keep the owner updated with all the fun you are having with their pets, then they are more likely to leave you good reviews which will help with securing further sits.
  4. Meet the pet before the sit. This one is not always possible, as you might be sitting away from your home country, however if you can it can be very worthwhile to meet the pet before you start the sit. This means that you, the owner and even the pet can all see whether you share a bond and whether you do indeed want to look after this animal. It will also encourage the owner and hopefully upon meeting you will make them more likely to choose you as a sitter. In addition, you can confirm that the house and the area you are staying in is indeed right for you.
  5. Plenty of communication with the host. Communication is key when it comes to pet sitting – often, the more you communicate well with the owner, the better the review (and pet sitting experience) you are likely to get. Some sitters give a day by day account of what they and the pet got up to, which can be very reassuring for the owner to hear. Moreover, communication is also essential before the sit starts as well – you can chat with the owner to establish routines, any important things to know about the house, information about what to do if the pet gets ill and so on.
  6. And now for hosts. There are a number of things you can look out for to secure a good pet sitter. First of all check for the verification level of the sitter. Our partners’ platform shows verified sitters far more prominently than others, and it is important to be aware that there are different levels of verification to look out for. You might expect to see verification of email addresses and telephone numbers, right through to verification of documents. Ultimately, the more verified a sitter is the more sure you can be that they are who they say they are, which is incredibly important when you are trusting someone with your house and your pets.
  7. Talk to the sitter. It’s so important to talk to the sitter beforehand, as all this upfront communication with make the whole process run far more smoothly. For example, does your pet have any illnesses, allergies or other problems that the sitter needs to be aware of? Then you should explain all this as early on in the process as possible, both so the pet sitter can prepare but also because they need to be able to back out if the arrangement isn’t right for them. In the same vein, you should also ensure that they are fully up to date with any quirks or issues that they are likely to encounter in your house.
  8. Book your sitter in advance. The most experienced sitters tend to be the most popular, so if you are going away, make sure to secure your sitter very early on. You might even want to check that there is a sitter you like the look of free before you even actually book the holiday, or at least that there are a good range of people free on the dates you are looking at. This is because the most popular sitters (who tend to be the best reviewed, the most experienced and the most verified) are in high demand and often there will actually be many hosts in competition for these sitters.
  9. Develop a strong relationship with a sitter. It is very much worth keeping in touch with the sitter after a successful experience, as there is a strong chance that you will be able to use them again. This is because if the timings and location were a match once, they are likely to be a match again. If you use a repeat sitter then you are likely to find that the experience will become smoother and smoother as they get more used to your pets, your home and the location you stay in. This way you can go on holiday far more often, safe in the knowledge that you have someone who knows your needs well looking after your home.
  10. Enjoy the experience! The whole point of pet sitting is that it allows you to get away from it all and enjoy your hard earned leisure time. Therefore, it is important that you don’t stress too much about the fact that there is a relative stranger in your house looking after your pets. The modern pet sitting movement is very reliable and mutually beneficial for all parties, therefore you have very little to fear indeed. You can expect fairly regular updates from the sitter, but ultimately if you chose an experienced, verified and well reviewed sitter then they will be able to get on with things themselves, leaving you to enjoy your holiday without worries.
Top ten tips for pet sitting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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How does insurance work with pet sitting Port Au Prince?
Insurance for the host’s property is automatically included. The host’s property is covered for property damage, theft and public liability.
Who are your partners who I book pet sitting in Port Au Prince through?
Our partners are perhaps the biggest and best name in the business, Trusted Housesitters.
What happens if I don’t know how to look after a certain species of pet in Port Au Prince?
No problem, when you search you are able to specify the species that you are most comfortable with.
What if the pet I’m looking after in Port Au Prince gets sick?
Our partners provide a 24/7 Vet Advice Line for you to call.
How can I trust the sitter in my home in Port Au Prince?
All sitters are verified, and you are free to choose sitters with only the highest levels of verification.